Friday, February 27, 2009

Winners and losers!

Contest-wise, I am not a lucky person.

Years ago I attended a meeting for an organization at Texas A&M University. Not knowing how many people would be attending, our speaker graciously brought a buttload of door prizes, 48 to be exact. We had 50 attendees. Do I have to spell it out for you?

Hope was extremely high in my heart when the speaker first started drawing names. I mean, the odds for me to win something really nice had to be relatively high, or so I thought. When the grand prize went elsewhere, I told myself not to worry. Plenty of good stuff was left to win.

But the good things disappeared fast and none to me. With each name called, I found myself accepting my fate of taking home an also-ran prize, something small, something equal to dog poop in a baggie.

But even that prize passed me by, me and one other person in the room. The situation was so intense and embarrassing that she and I couldn’t even make eye contact with the other attendees. We were losers of the worst kind – dog poop losers.

The winners in the meeting rushed back to their offices proudly bearing their prizes, accepting praise for their good karma. Us two losers took our time heading back to our desks. In fact, if I remember correctly, the route I took back to my office led me to my car in the parking garage, then off University grounds, and subsequently home, not to reappear again at my desk until Monday morning. I told my boss I had taken the slow, thorough route.

Which leads me to David’s giveaway on his blog. The way he has used spreadsheets to calculate chances of winning is impressive and, to the average blog reader, it would seem I have a better chance of winning than anyone else. After all, I have 39 chances. GringeFirl, my closest competitor, has 28 chances. I actually have 11 more chances to win than she does. But then again, I didn’t even win the dreadful socks in one of her giveaways!

I’m taking bets now on my chances of winning and let me tell ya, I’m betting against myself. Don’t bother bagging up the dog poop, David.


  1. Oh Cher, you're making me feel so badly for you. I'm sure you've won something in your lifetime...a game of checkers maybe?

    You're still sad over the socks, aren't you? I just KNEW you wanted them. I'll find you some socks!

    David certainly has quite the scientific method of picking a winner. Sure beats drawing names from a pot!

    May the best Firl win! The odds are stacked in your favor.


  2. Oh! Cher, I'm another one of those doggie poop winners...I have the worst luck at drawings. Who knows, this could be the start of the Winning Losers Club!

    Have a great day!


  3. Cher, I will send you some doggie poop if that will make you happy! Would you prefer that FedEx or UPS?

    I think you will do well in the treasure hunt...cause you are smart and funny!


  4. You don't suspect in the least that life is rigged?

  5. I will not go try to sign up to win because I don't want to ruin your chances. I too never win. Well except for one time on Dahling I Love you I won a book. It was a great book and I felt like a Queen because I actually won something.

    So I take it you haven't won one of those sweet Kitchen Aide Mixers on the PW blog? Yeah me and 16 million people either. ;)


Your opinion doesn't count, but I'd like to know what it is anyway! Please leave a comment!