Thursday, November 27, 2008

A Thanksgiving Greeting To You!

In Texas we still cook
our Thanksgiving meals
in wood stoves.

And they come out beautifully!
Feel that heat rushing from the oven.
Good thing it's snowing outside.

OK, this post is such a lie!

But my wishing you a Thanksgiving Day
full of family, friends, and food
is the truth!

The Texas Woman


  1. I wanted to believe it, I tried to believe it, I didn't believe stove though. My daughter thinks it's cute. I have my mom working in the kitchen, so I'm blogging. I love the holidays!

  2. My grandmama's sister was a sturdy old Teuton;
    her house just as basic, not at all high falutin'.

    I remember the smell of the wood pile near her
    stove and the blast, like a furnace, when she
    opened the door.

    We sat on long benches at a table of wood,
    elbow to elbow, enjoying good German food.

    Was there ever a place, was I ever so young,
    when, on the branches of time, those memories were strung?

    you inspire me! Happy holidays--all of them.

  3. you crack me up Texas Woman! Love the lie...BIG AS TEXAS!! Have a good one!

  4. Even on Holidays you tell Big Ones! I'm so proud... True Texans get to lie all the time. We don't have days off. Richard's cooking, I'm in my gown, hoping the neighbors chain saw broke, and all is well at the Hornberger's... except R's watching the cranberry salad stuff that I love... what did he make it for if I can't eat it?! Have a great day! Start on the wine NOW!!!!

  5. Yeah, yeah, yeah and the bathroom's out back, right? And I beg to differ, Texans don't lie, we tell tall tales. Hope you had a wonderful holiday! Tn'T


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