Monday, December 7, 2009

Totally Tasteless Tuesday

While Juan-in-a-Million and I were in Houston Friday, it snowed! Then, just as we were leaving town, a snow angel appeared right before our eyes.

Juan's never driven home to Bryan so fast!


  1. That just "cracks" (wink wink nudge nudge) me up!
    I don't know which I've missed or Tuesdays with Cher!
    P.S. I just thought I was the butt of the joke!

  2. OHHhh my!!! Wow.. this does not represent Houston. I am glad that you got to see our snow. It was amazing!! I pray that all is well with you and yours.

  3. Ahhh...good to hear from you. And to see that you were enjoying the atmosphere in Houston. Ha! ~Mindy

  4. Oh my goodness..he has quite a rear... oh I mean a set of wings....haha good to see that you still have that wonderful sense of humor!!!

  5. How much did you have to pay Juan-In-A-Million to pose for that photo? You guys aren't kidding us!:) Good thing it was cold so we didn't see any other goodies!

    So glad you are back!


  6. Just about the time he gets the sidewalk clear, it starts snowing again. I bet that really chaps his butt.

  7. Awesome, bet that butt of Juan's just about froze off with all his other goodies! Nice to have Totally Tasteless Tuesday back! Miss it and you!! Take care.

  8. Howdy Woman! How ya doin?

    You know it doesn't snow here and now I'm thankful.

  9. Girl, YOU are too funny. Love your sense of humor. I've missed you!

  10. Cher, I do not know how you do it, but you never fail to...crack me up! That crack word just has to be there...ha...ha..ha.ha..ha.. Thanks for the belly laugh!

  11. This reminds me ... I have to get up at the crack of dawn.

  12. I am speechless-
    other than to say thank goodness you are back.

    I was about to call the Texas Rangers1


  13. His neighbors must love him. Hope you are doing well.
    Prayer & Hugs,

  14. Cher,,,, so good to hear from you... I talk to those angels everyday to watch over you (well, maybe not THAT one!)
    My sister is in Humble, TX and she said everything pretty much closed up because of the snow.
    Right now it is spitting ice here and they are predicting 7-15 inches where we are!!!
    I'm ready for it!!! BRING IT ON, WE CAN TAKE IT!!!

  15. I just had to come back and ask one thing...are you sure that's snow...could be he's molting or maybe just farted? Just wondering!!!

  16. You gotta love it!! The snow that is!!! I am jealous here in NC... of you alls Snow! I have to show hubby the BBQ cooker when he gets in from work. Thats all I hear from him that he wants to make a cooker! Hope all is well, cold and rainy here in NC. Big Hugs, Janna

  17. You've done it again...found the most disturbing photo out there! Wonder how that angel got his wings...hmmm...

  18. Morning Friend, Great Balls of Fire.....sorry!
    That is the damest thing.

    Glad you are back and hope you are nearing the end of all of this.
    LEt me know if you feel like lunch!


  19. Glad you are back! BUTT! He looks so cold! Angie

  20. Laughing...always a pleasure to check into your blog. Nice to see you back and hoping you are doing well!

  21. I'm never sending you any of my pictures ever again! Good to see you again, even if only online


  22. OMG - just totally SPAT my iced coffee. Sweltering here in Oz. That gave me the chills though!


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